Bye Bye 2011...Welcome 2012
Dear Friends & Readers, Lets hope equities boom (esp. stocks in my sorry stocks in ALL OF OUR portfolios) in 2012. My wish-list for 2012: Thailand, Japan recover from their natural calamities India gets a REAL LEADER Parliamentarians listen to and heed public opinion Elections are fought and won over Non-caste / Non-religion / Non- regional issues Terrorism is defeated by peace, love & wisdom American, Indian, European etc economies recover People get REAL jobs once again Real economy triumphs over financial economy Already reached 7 bn humans , highest in history. Our earth and Mother nature can sustain only so many and no more. Lets put a pause on population here. Climate Change is reversed and we all plant trees and save water bodies Chinese Yuan gets weaker vis-a-vis INR, at least for a few days in Feb (gotta return some money to BIL) and I win a REAL Lottery (not the fake Nigerian one...) ...