If things can go wrong....they will

Imagine you are running for a super important meeting with a uber-VIP by which I mean a padosi desh ka PM or boss' in-laws or a rich NRI client or Sunny Leone. You get the idea right? Basically you just can't be late, and you dare not bunk.

The rendezvous is this place called Far,Far,Away tucked in the heart of Lower Parel or some other Mumbai suburb blessed with narrow lanes called roads.

You are on time, all prepared, enveloped in cool Davidoff mist, tie in pocket, the Mont Blanc safely tucked inside your Armani suit and every sign of a thin Mumbai traffic. Ok stop laughing now. Somedays we may actually be having thin traffic. They have promised Mumbai will become Shanghai one day.

So, coming back to the topic, you smugly strut out of the train stattion, head held high, "What can go wrong?" you wonder.

And the fates smirk.

You casually ask the cabby, and get the following repartee:

Taxi Cab 1:" Uss side nahi jana hai.." (Dont wanna go that direction).
As Colonel Cathcart would say, a Black eye.

You immediately switch gears and try pleading a few others, and the responses are so innovatively foolproof, even Kapil Sibal would be proud of them:

Taxi Cab 2:"Gas khatam ho gaya hai..." ( No CNG fuel. 
But surprisingly he promptly accepts a comely lass for a 15 KM fare. Such empathy!).
Taxi Cab 3:"Gadi kharab hai" (taxi breakdown)
Taxi Cab 4:"...waiting mein hai" (Am waiting for passenger. Then who am i?)
Taxi Cab 5:"*#?@#"   (*#?@#)
Taxi Cab 6:"Am waiting for Halley's comet".

You walk.


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