Expensive Nokia...and how

My trusty old Samsung, after years of faithful service was now showing visible signs of ageing. And since both my barber and my lift-man, both of who sported the same device, where considering upgrading it. I decided, it was time to bid adieu and bought a Nokia E6.

True to its tag of being a smartphone, the new E6 displays personality traits. It has a queer habit of switching off and restarting at its own sweet will. Funny (and painful) situations arise sometimes because of this habit. 

Sample this:

Wife: Hello dear. I am at the cash counter of Shoppers. Where have you reached?
Me (alarmed): Darling, what are you doing there??
Wife (excitedly): I found the pink dress I was looking for and am buying it…
Me (very alarmed): what?? Leave the color…how much it costs?
Wife: mmm lemme see… Its only 4999
Me (near panic): 5K!! ONLY??!! In this recession, you must be the only one at the store!!
Wife: Shut up! It’s lovely and am buying it..
Me (ok I am totally panicked now) : But dear you don’t need anoth….Click

Nokia E6: *** Restarts..

After a few seconds, when the E6 regains consciousness and network, in that order, I am greeted by a cheerful message:

“Thank you for using your XXXX Credit card at XXXX mall for Rs 4999. Your available credit limit is….”



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