MI4: Awesome movie...just looved it..

Just watched Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol. And I, must admit, the wifey and I were completely blown over with the action sequences that are the hallmark of all MI franchises. The story starts in Budapest prison, goes to Kremlin Russia, whirls around the Burj Khaleefa, Dubai and ends in, surprise in Mumbai. But under the surface, the story was well presented with humor in form of Benji (Simon Pegg) sporadically and Brandt (Jeremy Renner) occasionally.

The part where they decide Cruise must scale the 2,700 feet Burj Khalifa tower was really funny. But the disappointment was Anil Kapoor, who was a complete let down. He was over the top and actually I felt like leaving the hall when his caricature-ish character was being kicked around by Paula Patton. 

Actually the part after the completion of the Dubai episode, it seems that the writer got so satisfied with his work so far, that he went away to have a toast and a monkey completed the rest of the script. Imagine this, why would Cruise & Co. will have to dance around the Brij Nath to obtain the secret code to override his satellite when they could have done the same thing as the villain does, that is, walk in, shoot the guard and commandeer a super advanced hi tech satellite controlled facility. And BTW, neither is such an important place located at the side of the road, but will have security perimeter and a main gate, where in you just don’t saunter in, nor is the sole guard supposedly in charge is unarmed, ”..What can I do for you, sir” types.

And puhleeze, Ms Patton looks like the tanned version of Amelie Mauresmo, with all muscles and no grace. Definitely NOT an ideal “VENUS” sent for seducing a multi-millionaire who must be having better options.

But the movie had generated enough returns by the half time itself so I won’t complain.
Some gaffes that could have been taken care of:

  • How come NONE of the Khalifa’s guests noticed or reported a sinister looking guy lurking outside their window as Mr. Hunt scales 11 storey of Glass and vertigo
  • Even though the final sequence was at Mumbai, how come the doors had display plates written in, Kannada language (I guess)
  • How come IMF had a secure base located on a moving train, in the middle of Russia?? While the bogey may be inspected routinely, it will be a hell of a job for an operative to locate it, unless he has a railway timetable as well as in insider in the Rail company.
  • How come two unauthorized men can enter the supposedly high tech and secure factory of BMW? If getting in and tampering with cars is that easy, BMW will have a whole lot of problems with stolen equipment, technology and even faulty cars.

But the above were mere irritants. The movie is good, and a must watch. 
Can go and buy popcorn as long as Mr Kapoor is on screen. Trust me, his role will make you cringe..


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