Letters to my son #1 – Being human

Many a times we make mistakes, some times we are not taken seriously and sometimes we meet with failure too. Intellectuals as well as idiots are often in love with their own selves, their own ideas and will seldom listen to you. Even in the stock markets, when I regularly come across super-intelligent people every day, many a times, our thoughts and perspective differs. This difference of opinion, will always be there. One must understand to live with it and respect it too. Some people are hot-headed and blunt, and you may feel hurt at times. Some are way-too frank and you may also feel slighted by their way of talking, even when they may mean no harm.

How to deal with these? Should you get angry or ignore it? How to deal with rejection and, sometimes disappointment?

Let me remind you, Krishna, was a simple cowherd to many. He was the best of statesman, a fierce warrior, yet he often maintained his visage of the humble and lovable Gopala. Despite being the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, he still had people like Duryodhana, Shishupala etc disagreeing and even insulting him. He resisted the temptation to fight back on most occasions. Even though he did show his “Virat roopa” or his God form twice, most of the time he maintained his cool, and sought to reason, cajole and tone down the tensions. He respected the difference of opinion, and didn’t try to hijack anyone else’ choice by his own superior intellect/foresight/strength.

Like him, it is important to be approachable and affable to most people. Being human is most important. Krishna being a God, had a purpose in life, which he achieved too. But he didn’t make too much fuss about it, and rather enjoyed and spread happiness wherever and whenever he could. The lord shows us the way to live life in this world, and we can only learn from Him.

Your purpose in life is important, but ONLY to YOU. It is always crucial to maintain a humble self, which will allow you to make mistakes in life, learn and grow as a person. Even the Lord had to bear the lashings of the world, so who are you to expect anything different. So don’t take yourself too seriously that will impede your growth as a person and as a human being. Flow like water, and you will reach your sea.

Your Papa


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