Interesting Career book, with some feedback for the author

I am currently reading Five great myths of career building (Macmillan India), wrtitten by Mr Sanjiv R Bhamre:
Click HERE is the Google Books URL.

Front Cover

The book is indeed very interesting & helpful, and I would strongly recommend this book.
However, I would also like to add a feedback to the author (with due humility) what I felt could improve the readability of the work.

"Dear Mr Bhamre, 
I find this book of yours very insightful and well-thought out. 
Your writing too, is lucid and the examples are easily relate-able & interesting.

However, here is my humble suggestion to you: 
Please try to re-arrange your book in such a manner that it becomes easier to discern, what ARE the myths that you are advising against and what are your REAL insights/advice that you wish the reader should follow. 

Often, as one thread ends and the counter arguement begins, it becomes confusing and the message is sometimes lost.

Thanks for your patience. 
I am eagerly awaiting your next book.

Best wishes
The Small voice"


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