What will I tell myself if knew what I know today

Letter to My 16 yrs old self from me of Today

Dear Me,

When should I write to you? I think the best time is now, when you have just crossed 16, and are recovering from Jaundice. You have missed schools by one month and are feeling completely lost. Your classmates have joined various tutions and well on the syllabus while you are still finding your bearings, despite having had a head start in Physics and Maths (right after your ICSE). Well, that’s bad, but that’s how life is as you will learn later.

Believe in yourself and don’t get too serious about criticism / ridicule: Well, first and foremost, have faith in yourself. You have got a pretty cool head and lots of patience which will often come handy and amaze you a few times in the days to come. Your ability to stay focused and cool will be an asset. But talking smart or bragging will never be your forte.

You will make a lot of friends, (including girls) by mostly just treating them nicely and as equals. Just by doing your own thing you will do good enough. Avoid to try and  look for their(peers') appreciation always. They are friends, not pseudo reality show judges. 

Sorry, in your time and age, reality shows are thankfully still years away.

You will be always be less than at-ease when confronted with smooth talkers and uncouth ruffians. Bear them, if you can’t ignore / avoid them. But remember that few will have the tenacity that you have for the long run. Just give yourself time and space, and if they make fun of you, all those wise-asses will be eating their words sooner or later. So, just do what you need to do, and do it well.

Benchmark efforts with competition: Though you are gifted with a tenacious personality, which is not easily swayed by emotions, always try to do things you are interested in and do them the best you can. Keep yourself motivated and that’s the best way to bring out the best in you.

Take pride in yourself, but also keep an eye on competition and benchmark your efforts accordingly. I know this is rather a different approach, but you will soon realize that only when faced with competition do you put your heart & soul in it and bring out the best in you. You already are pretty well grounded, thanks to bhai and your parents and pretty focused for a 16 yr old but you certainly need to learn to channelize this aggression into efforts.

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail: Though you would love to appear to the crowds as the effortless Sachin Tendulkar, who is never seen practising  but always magically delivering the goods, shake that bloody notion off. And wipe that grin too.

See, preparing is a MUST for most things. And don’t shy from that. See, no one will bother whether you had put in X hours or Y hours in your exams study or whatever. It’s ONLY the END RESULTS that count and THEY COUNT a BLOODY LOT.

Mind you, I am emphasizing on end results only, because I know you are too egotistical to resort to any unethical lows like cheating, bribery etc.

Stop living for the future, LIVE THE PRESENT: The present is equally important, and a lot of times in life you will look back with many-a-fond memories of your past. So, stop being too forward looking and just try making TODAY a GREAT DAY. Achieve SOMETHING today. EVERYDAY. Make it a habit. And a great TOMORROW will surely FOLLOW.

Don’t be too idealistic, dream big but be more practical: A few times in life you will fall down, and sometimes very badly indeed. I know you will pick yourself up. I know you will not be looking for any quick escape routes like drugs or other silliness like suicide etc. You are too tough for that.

However, what you must understand is that it doesn't matter when people laugh at you that you have fallen. Don’t care about them. Just pick yourself up, flash a huge grin as if nothing happened and GET ON WITH LIFE, as if you hadn't fallen at all.

Any which way, people will neither never stay the same with you nor stay longer than a few years at max with you.

Your parents are 2nd most important; for they will stay in your heart forever.
The most important person, however, for you are YOU yourself. 

Where is God in all this? 
Aren’t you just a 16-yr old. Chill yaar!!

Yours Truly,
Your super awesome 2013 self

PS: And for God's sake, stay away from all those sweets & Samosas...
On second thoughts, never mind. Enjoy them while you can.

Author's Note:
The idea for this letter came to me from Minal's blog, which is fabulously well written. She blogs here (personal) and here (cricket blog).
Comments welcome.


  1. Nice work Lalit. You seem to be a confident boy at 16.

    I so very much agree that people dont realise the effort gone behind the result.You chose the best example to explain "SACHIN TENDULKAR".

  2. Thanks Ashutosh.

    BTW I think that Sachin is the epitome of magic. He made his exquisite shots & timing look so easy.


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