A fresh start beckons for 2013...stronger & wiser (hopefully)

The year 2012 has been a significantly tumultuous year. We, as a nation, got angry, cried, protested and fought for our rights. We also saw the economy tumble to depressing depths as inflation and policy inaction brought a halt to the growth momentum.

But this post is, as Abhishek suggests, is a “slice of my life” post. I write this in a pensive, reflective mood.

Personally, the year 2012 started on a sad note for our family for a close relative. Early in the year, we witnessed one of those events which can only be called God’s wish. The only silver lining in the trauma, if it can be called that, was that the whole family behaved in a very mature manner. The bereaved were spared the pain of post-event blame fixing, usual in such events.

My wife & I too, suffered a testing time personally. Hospitalisation, surgery and crazy medical bills. Definitely scary stuff. But in the end, life goes on. There were some nice things too that happened, and that has taught me better appreciation of Life.

But that was 2012. What does the new year mean for me?

There are much anger and disgust at the current situation in my beloved India. But, apart from being vocal and being angry, again, I realise, there is little I can do. Much is beyond my immediate "circle of influence". So i dust up the good ol' 7 habits by Stephen covey, and try to look inwards.

I believe that in 2013, and beyond, I will have to face face down my own twin personal devils, Procrastination and the tendency of not seeing things through fully.


There some people, very close to me, with whom, i wish, things were different. But then, some things are best understood to be beyond one's own control.

I believe, this year is the year to be uncomfortable, to dream, to run, to fly & fall down, and again pick yourself up and start running again. 

Wish you a very Happy New Year 2013!!!


  1. Definitely, 2013 will be a great year for all of us. Happy new year to you! Cheers!


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