Happy Diwali !!!

Celebrating Diwali with Colleagues

So, after much contemplation and planning we finally went out for lunch to celebrate Diwali at work. A treat from the boss, light (relatively speaking) on pockets and heavy on the stomach (again relatively speaking, coz we have immense appetites) we went enmasse to gorge on nachos, hummus, sizzlers, virgin pina-coladas and non virgin ice teas.

Probably for the first time in the history of the department, the Research division was locked during office hours and client phones (maybe) went unheeded. But the festive fervor prevailed and who knows when such a chance may present itself again.

Spending so much time cooped together in the same room, eight of us have become more friends than colleagues knowing each other’s likes and dislikes especially in food. Actually, on second thoughts, we really don’t have any particular choices in food, we just like to eat, a lot. "YEH DIL MAANGE MORE!!"  

Pulling each other’s legs and fighting for the last morsel of food on each plate we worked our way through a huge amount of food and ate till we could eat no more. After all we had a willing financier to foot the bill ;) 

It seemed to be a fitting end to the celebrating the festival especially when we were at work and rest of the world was chilling out at home.

So here’s wishing all a prosperous new year going forward with loads of bonuses and increments coming your way. 

Happy Diwali !!!

-posted by Hiral.... 


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