Happy World Sparrows day !!!

Dude, Where's My Home?

A sparrow was scouting the space above the steel almirah in our bedroom, the one in which HER EMINENCE, the wifey keeps the exploits of her shopping expeditions locked and barred from the general public. She was of the view that the poor bird must have lost its way.

But to my experienced eyes, the reasons were clear.

The poor bird was a male. And since today being world Sparrows day, obviously he had been sent by his better half to do some last minute real estate scouting. Mind you folks, Gudi Padhwa is drawing near too, and so is the discomfort for struggling-to-make-ends-meet-in-this-inflationary-days-hubbies.

The pressure on the husband to buy an apna house will mount by the minute. They will be cajoled and threatened; often the latter to bite the Home-Loan bullet and buy an exorbitantly overpriced, match-box size flat despite the builder’s shady dealings from wives of all shades, shapes and sizes.


I made a mental note to hang a cardboard box for the poor-pati sparrow in the balcony this evening. You can even build them a proper house too, if you want. Here is the link on HOW TO BUILD A SPARROW'S NEST.

That reminds me, will also have to take a NOC from the landlady. Otherwise she may object to me sub-letting her “precious” (sometime I feel Gollum will feel at home at most of Mumbai flats, given their design, ventilation etc.) flat to unknown entities without having proper background check or police verification.

BTW there is a important initiative by Greenpeace to create marine reserves.
I have joined it and I stongly urge & recommend that you too join and support the movement.


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