Market guys..Take a chill pill !!!

Pretty much nothing new or positive happening in the stock markets as of now. Neither in the Indian nor on the global front. Europe crisis is boring the daylights of everyone, after all its been almost a year now that this crisis started.

Interest rates are ridiculously skewed across the globe. Hence while 30 yr mortgages are being offered to buyers in slowing down, unemployment rife developed economies at a ridiculously low rate of ~4-4.5% (FIXED), their counterparts in so called developing, employment generating and economically expanding nations like India are getting money at 11+% (Floating) and only for 20 years. I wonder who is the overpaid idiot who approves such price anomalies money and credit.

 Actually, one can’t really put the blame only on the corporate sector. Even governments, who should be thinking long term benefit of the nation and economy, have been happily going around printing, inflating their way out of crises and throwing good money after bad by doling cash/investment support to faulty investment decisions by private entities.

 In india, the paralysis seems complete, with high rates still continuing, still defiantly high inflation, various infrastructure projects stumped by constraints, power sector stymied by lack of availability of coal, Oil companies & SEBs plagued with rising losses and inability to raise prices, rising bad loans with Banks and to top it up, absence of activity from the government side too.

Whew. Pretty grim.

That’s why it better to check out Sidin Vadakut’s blog post.The chap has a great sense of humor and I aspire to someday write as well as he does. Anyway, some good humor is always helpful in such scenarios. No? 

Here is the link: The-alphabetical-ardour-of-life_by Sidin Vadakut 



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