Books: last refuge of the miserable husband

Books are a man's best friend. (Pl note that man is in BOLD and underlined)

By this I don't mean that women don't read. Oh no no no.

They do. And in piles and heaps. All sorts of stuff. Useful or otherwise. Stuff like books, grocery list, Bombay times Page 3, Fashion magazines (Read??!!!), Auditor's reports, text books (!!!)…you name it. They read it all. In fact, a couple of ladies I know, who, if god forbid, were to chuck their reading habit, it may result in sales drop and (shudder) depress PE valuations of online bookstores like Flipkart etc. by a significant amount.

BTW do you know that "…by a significant amount" is analyst speak for "I don't know exactly how much… …I GUESS it should be a big number but just don't ask me HOW BIG or WHY. Just accept the relation to be of as high correlation as the way God ordained to be. I am too lazy/ too ignorant/ too smart to try and prove it scientifically."

But we digress. Returning back to the topic, books are man's best friends (at times). I realized this when yesterday night wifey proclaimed that our(read MY) camera was not good enough and her bro's camera or for that matter everyone's camera was better than ours (read MY camera).

How could she??!! Is the woman aware of even a fraction of the amount of thinking I put and the tons of free online reviews I went through before zeroing on that brand and that model? Why I chose that camera over a DSLR??

What does she know about cameras? Zilch, I say. I fought valiantly long and hard, with pride and dignity, skill and reason and gave her the background, the decision matrix and comparative benefits of the brand and the make. 

And lost.

How can your megapixels, you optical zooms, Carl Zeiss lenses, high ISO sensitivity settings et al compete with "Pictures are not good."

I give up.

Soundly beaten, I sought refuge in John Gray's seminal work "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" chuckling away as the author's own anecdotes and examples of the craziness of similar situations involving the opposite sex soothed out my hurt feelings. I am not alone.

But I still love my Nikon, and the wife(of course).


  1. "Pictures are not good." is the analyst equivalent of 'Just accept the relation to be of as high correlation as the way God ordained to be.'
    and it is just as acceptable :)


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