What are we thinking??

I was reading http://jugshree.blogspot.com/2011/01/get-idea-please.html. It was, as usual, a very nicely written article by Shirish.

However, the post set me thinking as to what are the issues that we Indians are thinking and talking on. And more importantly how relevant or useful they are when viewed from the global standpoint.

New challenges for the new era

I think it’s time we start thinking of India and Indians as a whole rather than Marathis/Gujaratis/Punjabis etc. The global reality is that China / US etc are sprinting ahead and we Indians are still mired in pre-Independence issues.

Global race to secure Crude Oil, Gas & Coal stocks, unending terrorist attacks, misguided neighbors’ hell bent on destroying Hindus, Climate change and the resultant Impending wars to secure water and food assets to feed the ever growing population are some of the key challenges which will decide the future of nations. Successfully negotiating these issues are crucial to whether the Indian dream will shine or collapse. I believe these will be key things which will shape up the future of Indians.

In Conclusion

As a weak , divided, unfocused nation we cannot address and secure our continued existence in face of such challenges. I would really appreciate if intelligentsia like you comes out to mobilize and channelize public thought and debate on such crucial existential issues.

Anna Hazare’s movement shows that now politicians will increasingly listen, take up and (hopefully) act on the issues that are discussed and felt important by citizens. The question is, are we, the Indian citizens thinking and discussing about the REAL issues today? Issues that are crucial to the survival and prosperity of the country?

Time to get RESPONSIBLE.


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