Rang De Basanti once again???

Every Indian (except netas) are deeply disappointed as the talks failed today between Anna’s team and the government. We all kept refreshing the news websites all day in hope of the announcement of the government accepting the demands of Indian citizens to present the Jan Lokpal Bill. More importantly, I wanted Shri Anna Hazare to break his fast. The country needs patriots like him.

But all hopes of an early reconciliation were lost.

The arrogant politicians, irrespective of parties, have taken the side of the government to ensure that a law putting a check on their misconduct is not passed in India. I guess that during the night they must have agreed that putting such a strong anti corruption bill will result in putting an end to their own corrupt money sources.

I only hope and wish that Shri Anna Hazare is saved.

Of course the battle will continue.
Of course this government will not return in power.

Who knows, Rang de Basanti may inspire youth once again to try and get justice to India in their own way. We know the movie did succeed in getting justice to Jessica Lal’s family at least. So is it time for the Bhagat Singh-Rajguru-Sukhdev medicine?

Who knows...

Vande Mataram !!!


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