On winning the ICC World Cup 2011

Yippeee we are the World Champions in Cricket.

While most teams including Sri Lanka took the result in a sporting spirit, another of our neighbors responded just like the way they have been known to, that is passing silly remarks and making a fool of himself and his nation.

Indians are busy progressing and being ever more important nation for the world. We are not only being the fastest growing economy in the world but are also increasingly earning Golds and Sivers and Bronzes in various other sporting events apart from just cricket where we are the undisputed world no.1 now.

Our society is more inclusive with people from each and every stream coming in and joining the mainstream and reaping benefits of growth and development. Arguably the most popular President of India was a Muslim in a Hindu majority country. The world’s second woman Prime Minister was in India. The most popular/loved movie stars are the Khans, Kapoors, and the Kumars who make the dream cinemas in Marathi dominated Mumbai.

And to top it all, a lad from Punjab, a captain from Jharkhand, a boy from Delhi won the ICC World Cup 2011 and dedicated it to a Marathi legend. You will be lucky to see this love and selflessness in ANY country in the world. Definitely, not in our immediate neighbors who have failed to bring any development to their minority community citizens and in consequence the whole country is mired with conflict, poverty, violence and strife. There is an old saying finding echoes in various languages, “If you sow thorns, you shall not reap roses.”

This would be much to the chagrin of a few politicians who thrive on spreading hate between religions and states and other terrorist organizations who would be finding it increasingly difficult to lure gullible deprived youth to mislead and polarize against India. The difference between their version of the utopian state of Islam and India of today is too flimsy to convince most of them today.


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