
Finally Mr. A Raja gets the boot as did Mr. Kalmadi.
But one wonders is getting axed from their posts punishment enough? Certainly not. If they are guilty, they must be brought to book just like an ordinary offender. Getting them off their posts is only the beginning of the process of Justice. Sadly, one fears that the story may end at that. Pro-govt. media will shout from the rooftops how the tainted were dropped thereby insinuating that Justice has been done till the time the public attention shifts to something else.

However, as a citizen one would like to state that law of the land (fortunately) is not subservient to the interests of survival of the ruling party. If Raja, Kalmadi, Chavan etc. are indeed guilty of defrauding the nation then merely relieving them of their posts isn’t enough. The ire of Ms. Sonia Gandhi is no fitting punishment. The question is “Will they ever go to jail?” and if yes, will they stay there or be released on bail with crores lodged safely to last till their grandchildren’s retirement.

Will they ever be made accountable for the crores they have siphoned and the money recovered? Till the time it doesn’t happen, Indian citizens will not have faith in the political and the legal system of the country. The deterrent to crime is not severity of punishment but the certainty of it.

Sadly it appears the norm that most “tainted” politicians go without punishment and maybe will return to power after a brief political wilderness. People right from the late Narasimha Rao, Mr. Jagdish Tytler, Mr. Laloo Yadoo to the present duo all have made the courts and judiciary on a merry go round.

We all know how political manipulations have made the CBI useless and redundant. I can’t remember a single instance of the CBI coming up with an incriminating report and also enforcing a punitive verdict against any political leader who has strong protectors with the party in power.

The common man on street has zero faith in the agency and its findings. Till the time, the guilty are brought to book and the swindled public money retrieved. The law of the land should be equal for everybody and not only the common defenseless man.


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