26th November – Indian injustice day

Two years ago, a handful of terrorists rained bullets on the innocent and helpless citizens of India. Amongst the blood thirsty covered, only one survived, Ajmal Kasab, citizen of Pakistan, and the ugly face of state sponsored terrorism against another country.

Two years later, despite hundreds of eye witnesses, TV camera evidences, the Indian judicial system has yet to bring justice to the dead and injured of Mumbai 26/11. They still can’t award death sentence to Kasab, despite all the evidence etc. being there for all to see.

It should have taken 2 days to decide his crime and the fitting punishment. Yet it has taken 2 years and CRORES of INDIAN TAXPAYER’S MONEY wasted only to fatten the rascal and provide him with ultra high security.

Justice delayed is justice denied.

With each passing day, that Kasab case lingers on, it brings shame to the cruelly insensitive Indian political and judicial system.

Lets end wasting public’s money and time and hang Kasab.


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