Vaccancy for: Leaders for India; Posts: Unlimited; Politicians need not apply

Today is 1st may. Labor day. It also happens to be Maharsahtra day. Maharashtra has been the torch bearer for this country for long.

Today too, it is bringing to attention, a different kind of issue. The issue of rampant regionalism which has the power to undo whatever India has achieved in the last 60 years. An issue which has and already is making the “aam aadmi” lose focus from the more critical and important issues.

Today, I am sure, if people like Tilak, Sardar Patel etc. would have witnessed the state of affairs, they would have been more than worried. We have people spreading hate in this country against our own countrymen.

We all know that such ideas are being used to get political mileage. But sadly, neither the common man on the streets, nor any public representative (read politicians) is able to rise out of the petty mentality to lead the people to rubbish such sentiments and instead focus on the bigger and core issues.

There are BIGGER Issues facing us, but sadly, no one seems to looking that way.

As an amateur economic observer, it is not hard to see that today the forces of globalization are making large scale changes and all the more stronger with MORE influence on our lives. These forces are too strong for most individuals and can make or mar any nation not prepared for them. Just like the Tsunami, they can destroy in a blink life as we know it.

Take for example, the food scarcity seen across the globe. None of the rich nations will see food fights on their streets. They are too rich to bother about such things.

It’s only the poor nations which will see poor citizens foraging in garbage for their children’s food.

India could well be one of the suffering nations.


“In India last year, more than 25,000 farmers took their own lives, driven to despair by grain shortages and farming debts.

The spectre of food grain imports stares India in the face as agricultural growth plunges to an all-time low," warns India Today magazine.”

Source: The Sunday Herald.

For further reading:

More importantly, in future, there will be more such crisis, as predicted by analysts and agriculture think-tanks.

Does India has the money to feed its billions in times of a global crisis???

Indians are much well off today than say, 50 years ago. We have come a long way and developed our nation well.

But today, we have to compete on the global scene. For employment, trade, housing, and, yes even for FOOD too.

I don’t think the Indian common man on the streets is geared to take the kind of challenge that is going to be forced upon him in, say, 2-3 years. He doesn’t even know them.

And our so-called leaders, are so busy in politics that they forget why they are called Leaders. They need to prepare this country for the global race for survival.

India is looking for leaders who can lead us safely through the turbulent times ahead. And the problem this time will not be coming from this state or another, this religion or another.

It will come from Countries and nations and cartels too big to fight for an average individual.

I am sure, and many learned and well informed people will agree with me, that there will be a mad rush for commodities of the world.

And the race will be amongst countries, not individuals and the winner NEEDS to be one with convincing amount of either economic or military power.

Its time our leaders come forward to build this country stronger, rather than diverting attention to small and irrelevant issues. There is NO alternative to this reality. Either Indians will be strong and well prepared to fight and win the race for food etc. with other nations or will have to re-live its dark past of hunger and shame.


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