Value of revisiting the past...
Growing up, reading History was boring to say the least. I failed to see the relevance of learning about the past. Also, there were hardly any bright job prospects with this subject. But with time (inevitably) and better judgement (hopefully ;) I find that this view was myopic and flawed. I think the retelling of an extreme event (like Nazi Holocaust, Hindu genocide of Kashmir etc) may evoke strong emotions. That is natural. But there is a logic to why History is taught in schools. So that we may LEARN FROM THE PAST and RESPOND TO THREATS / OPPORTUNITY better. I see little harm in people encouraging each other to watch a movie based on publicly available incontrovertible historical facts. At School level, Sir Francis taught us about Concertation camps' atrocities in Std 8. I thought it was crazy to shell shock 8th Graders to such inhumanity. But it also made us aware that the real world is not a fairy tale. IF a bad event has happened, we must ensure it never happens ag...