Weekend Lounge Thoughts: The Real search
The best self-help book I have come across I have always maintained that if one has a choice of choosing only ONE self-help book in one's life, then they would have made a good choice if they read just this one book by Viktor Frankl , titled " Man's search for meaning " . Came across this book in Stephan Covey's seminal work,"7 Habits of highly effective people". Mr Covey's book will be the second best. Why a book on this subject? Many friends express surprise for my liking of such a serious (even morbid, according to a few) book. As it is, i have noticed that in India,the knowledge of the holocaust and understanding of its deep tragedy is often poor, especially with the common average person. Maybe, its because that our nation was busy in its own independence struggle at the time of the WW II and the events preceding it. Nevertheless, let me explain why this book is such a favorite of mine. The events of Auschwitz concentration camp ...