Why re-elect Kalam !!??
The media has started going crazy again. As Mrs Pratibha Patil’s tenure as a President draws to an end, various names have started to do the rounds. One amongst them is that of APJ Kalam, our former President.Why re-elect Kalam? The august office has had a long history and has been blessed by many other worthies, including the current Mrs Pratibha Patil. Just spare a second to look back and admire her "illustrious" tenure. Every child knows the numerous achievements that are studded in a remarkable tenure. Extremely popular, she was, and still has a nation-wide fan following in pan Jalgaon-Amravati region. Given the platform, she has become greatly popular even on foreign soil, and as the Head of the state she has made several fruitful foreign trips to drive or rather FLY home the point. She has led the nation with examples of selfless sacrifice of personal benefits for the greater good. Who can match this impeccable track record? Su...