Shark Finning - Shame on Humanity

One of the most beautiful creations is being brutally killed. Read below to know how. And also read what we can do to help. Excerpts from the site: “Shark finning is killing sharks every year at an alarming rate! It is estimated that 100 million sharks annually are killed for their fins alone. This practice is mainly for supplying shark fins for the so-called delicacy known as shark fin soup. Sharks that are caught and their fins cut off are not always dead when their bodies are thrown back into the sea. Without its fins the shark simply sinks to the bottom of the ocean where it dies. Such a horrible death for such a magnificent creature! How aweful it must be for these animals... to think that when their body hits the water again that they will be safe, only to realize that they can no longer swim, and end up dying in an ocean, which was just moments earlier their safe haven, and is now their doom. All of this killing for a bowl of soup! What if human foot soup sudde...