India beginning to Awake to itself
In the slogans of politicians we might have seen the country shining and the general feeling of well being. But then the voters didn’t share the sight, lo and behold out went India’s shine of the window. But then, maybe it was not just an apparition, a sleight of hand, empty feel good of the khaddar illusionists. Maybe something was indeed changing. Slowly but surely, a silent revolution has been overtaking the country. Its glimpsed on an every day, when the average salesman tries so hard to push his wares down your throat. The local grocer starts delivering groceries at the doorstep on a mere phone call. The same kirana guy who was the hoarder-villain in the old bollywood movies has became the friendly guy to the housewives. That ennui and the inertia that had so intricately woven cobwebs around the socialist India is gone today. But that is just the tip of the main change that I see now. We Indians are a movie crazy nation. We revere our movies and they in turn, reflect our own minds...