
Showing posts from February, 2005

God or No God

God as we all know is a concept, which is the first legacy that we receive as we enter the World from our parents and or Society as the case may be. Willingly or unwillingly this concept is introduced to us many a times for reasons altogether different from what a religious zealot may like to believe. The concept initially comes in as a handy tool for reigning in the hyperactive Young Turk with boundless energy and an unnerving desire of discovering all the new life has to offer. Hence God comes in a handy tool as an ever-watchful eye keeping tabs in the parents’ absence over good and bad deeds of the kiddo and keeping the busybody out of harm’s way. As one grows up one is weaned from most of the childhood make believes except the most powerful one of them all cause it has yet to outlive its utility. Hence enters the concept of chastity and hard work and what nots. Also present is the Philosophy stating “…the meek shall inherit the earth….” Whenever and whatever that is supposed t...

Comics: my answer

Lets talk about comics. well what else can be more mundane no? Comics!!! come on we all are grown ups. But lets talk abt this in a different manner. well i still think they were an important part of our growing up....remember when we wanted a private island of ours a la phantom and a forest where natives worship you as god/demon but u also have a few friends you care for. and who take you for what you are. I was specially facinated by batman.not only because of this Dark knight's impeccable bod but also in a way this chap always reaffirmed my faith that no matter whatever may happen to you you have the power to choose ur responses. This chap was haunted by his inabilty to save his parents...and look what he turned it for himself he became the saviour of the city....he is and insomanic and this he turns to his advantage to patrol the streets at night. No wonder in a world dominated by Gifted super heroes he holds his forte with panache and gives all of them a run for their money. An...